2024 年法国巴黎奥运展中国艺术代表——毛雪峰
2024 巴黎奥运将吸引全球 40 亿双目光成为全球重大传播中心,盛大开幕式将吸引世界各国政要、体育明星、商界大鳄、各国媒体等,齐聚巴黎。2024 法国巴黎这个艺术与体育交融成辉的国际艺术之都将吸引全球的亿万目光,它也将成为 全球的焦点,更将成为世界艺术关注的中心。
Paris 2024 Olympic Games will attract 4 billion pairs of global attentionto become a major global communication center, the grand openingceremony will attract world politicians, sports stars, business tycoons, national media and so on, gathered in Paris. 2024 Paris, France, theinternational art capital of art and sports, will attract hundreds ofmillions of eyes around the world, it will also become the focus of theworld, and it will become the center of world art attention.
全球范围内征选 100 名书画名家将其相关资料及作品,邀请相关人员组成评选小组进行审定,最后审定出 33 名赴法参展人员。
Worldwide collection of 100 famous painting and calligraphy will be itsrelevant information and works, inviting relevant personnel to form aselection panel for approval.In the end, 33 participants were selected. As follows(如下);
毛雪峰,大漠堂主,中国现代重彩山水画的开创者。全世界非物质文化遗产研究院特聘院士。甘肃临洮人,2005 年定居北京。1989 年毕业于新疆艺术学院美术系,1997 年毕业于北京画院中国画专业研究班。2023 年被特聘为“世界非物质文化遗产研究院特聘院士”。先后深造进修于中央美术学院,中国国家画院,清华大学研究班、精英班。西游边陲二十载,足迹遍及天山南北。他特立独行,致力于丝路山水画的探索实践和西域大美的深度开掘和表现,创立西域重彩山水画,是中国西部丝绸之路山水画题材的开拓者和践行者。“毛雪峰作品在传统与现代、抽象与具象、水墨与色彩、中西方艺术融合方面是一次积极的尝试和突破,已将关照面从‘西部风情’的再现,拓展到西部精神的表现,增加了历史的纵深感”。“其境界之壮阔,意蕴之豪迈,丘壑之雄奇,色彩之交响,形成了独特的画境和艺术风格。”(摘自《美术》2003 年第 9 期)。多年来毛雪峰的山水画作品多次参加全国美展,并在 30 多个国家和地区交流展出或获奖,数百幅作品发表于全国及海外各类主流期刊。先后在中国美术馆、敦煌博物馆及日本东京中央美术馆银座、美国纽约国际艺术博览会、美国玛瑞埃塔大学、法国巴黎卢浮宫、迪拜、英国、印度、俄罗斯列宾美术学院、加拿大、澳大利亚、欧洲、东南亚各国及全国各地多次举办个展或联展,进行学术交流和讲座,受到广泛好评。2005 年中国美术报学术提名“西风浩瀚,西北五省国画百家。”2007 年中国书画报颁发“全国书画界 50 位著名画家终身艺术成就奖。”2006 年荣获“世界华人艺术家杰出艺术成就奖。”2008 年在全国政协礼堂获颁“改革开放三十年杰出画家”殊荣。2016 年评为“全国当代 30 家最具学术价值与市场收藏升值潜力的国画家。2010 中国文联评为“中国山水画 200 家”“99 中国百杰画家”。2012 年中国文联中国文学艺术基金会颁发“文学艺术杰出成就奖”。2013 年被评为“全国最具创新国画艺术家”和“当代国画家中 15 位书法家”、2023 年联合国教科文组织颁发“世界艺术奖”。作品曾获“联合国国际和平年艺术大奖”“20 世纪国际艺术名家教授成就大奖”“亚洲中国画巡回大展金奖”“2008 年和谐中华迎奥运全国美展金奖”“西安世博会全国美术展览金奖”“当代国际水墨画大展沙龙奖”“美国第 35 届纽约国际艺术博览会国际金奖”及“中美文化交流使者”称号、“中印文化艺术使者”“中俄文化艺术交流大使”。
毛雪峰先生应邀赴国内外多所高校作演讲和学术报告。2008 年他应邀在北京大学百年大讲堂作了主题为《创新是攀登的天梯》演讲 2013 年他应美国马瑞埃塔大学邀请举办个展并向师生们作了题为《阅读美国》和《中国水墨与西方色彩之吻》的演讲。2014 年他应兰州大学邀请于 11 月 10日作了《重彩山水画的创立与发展》《我的艺术人生》演讲。2016 年应印度新德里夏尔达大学邀请作了《丝绸之路万里行》演讲。毛雪峰先生曾多次担任中国创新艺术家提名活动学术主持人。2023 年 6 月应邀为北京林业大学艺术设计学院演讲《艺术是生命》。
名辑《中国美术年监》、《中国美术家人名词典》、《中国大百科全书·新疆卷》、《临洮县志》、《美国世界名人录》等辞书。《美术》、《江苏画刊》、《中国画》、《美术观察》、《书与画》、《美术家通讯》、《中国书画报》、《美术报》、《人民日报》、《光明日报》新华社、《欧洲时报》、《中国澳门日报》、《中国书画报》、《中国艺术报》、《中国文化报》《国画家》、中央电视台等多家媒体对其艺术成就均有专题报道。其作品被齐白石艺术馆、上海市博物馆、中国香港艺术中心、敦煌博物馆、日本东京美术馆、美国纽约大学、中国台湾海基会、俄罗斯列宾美术学院、印度夏尔达大学、法国卢浮宫、美国马瑞埃大学博物馆等国内外 30 多家博物馆、美术馆收藏。
Mao Xuefeng, the Lord of Desert Hall, the pioneerof Chinese modern heavy color landscape painting. WorldIntangible Cultural Heritage Heritage Institute. Anative of Lintao, Gansu province, he settled in Beijingin 2005. In 1989, he graduated from the Art Departmentof Xinjiang Art Institute, and in 1997, he graduatedfrom the professional research class of Chinesepainting of Beijing Painting Academy. The 2023 wasintangible cultural heritage as the “World HeritageInstitute”. He has pursued advanced studies in ChinaCentral Academy of Fine Arts, China National Academyof Painting, Tsinghua University research classes,elite classes. Twenty years of travel to the far west,from north to south of Ten-zan. He is a pioneer andpractitioner of the Silk Road landscape painting inwestern China. He is dedicated to the exploration andpractice of the Silk Road landscape painting and thedeep exploration and expression of great beauty in thewestern regions. “Mao Xuefeng's works are a positiveattempt and breakthrough in terms of tradition andmodernity, abstraction and figuration, ink and color,and the fusion of Chinese and Western art. They haveextended the concern from the reappearance of 'Westerncustoms' to the expression of the spirit of the west,increasing the depth of history.”. “The grandeur ofits realm, the grandeur of its implication, themagnificence of its hills and ravines, and the symphonyof its colors have formed a unique painting scene andartistic style.”(from fine arts, No. 9,2003) .
Over the years, Mao Xuefeng's landscape paintingshave participated in national art exhibitions manytimes, and have been exhibited or awarded in more than30 countries and regions. Hundreds of his works havebeen published in various major national and overseasjournals. He has held many solo and joint exhibitionsin the National Art Museum of China, the Dunhuang Museumand the Ginza, the Central Museum of Fine Arts in Tokyo,the New York International Art Fair, the University ofMarietta, the Louvre in Paris, Dubai, the UnitedKingdom, India, the Repin Academy of Fine Arts in Russia,Canada, Australia, Europe, Southeast Asia and otherparts of the country, for academic exchanges andlectures, has been widely praised. In 2005, the ChinaFine Arts journal was nominated for“The vast west wind,100 masters of Traditional Chinese painting in the fiveNorthwest provinces.” In 2007, the China fine artsjournal presented the“Lifetime Artistic AchievementAward of 50 famous painters in the field of calligraphyand painting.” In 2006, it was awarded the“OutstandingArtistic Achievement Award of World Chinese artists.”
In 2008, it was awarded the“Outstanding Painter in the30 years of reform and opening-up” award in theauditorium of the national committee of the ChinesePeople's Political Consultative Conference. In 2016 as“The country's contemporary 30 most academic value andmarket collection appreciation potential of Chinesepainters.”. In 2010, the China Federation of literaryarts was named“200 Chinese landscape paintings” and“99 Chinese master painters”. In 2012, the ChinaLiterature and art foundation of the Chinese Federationof literature awarded the“Outstanding Achievement inLiterature and Art Award”. In 2013, he was named “Themost innovative Chinese painting artist in the country”and “15 calligraphers among contemporary Chinesepainters”, and 2023 United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization awarded the“World Art Award”. His works have won the UnitedNations International Year of Peace Award for art, the20th Century International Distinguished Artist andProfessor Award, the Gold Award of the Asian ChinesePainting Roving Exhibition, the 2008 national fine artsexhibition for the Olympic Games, the Gold Award of theXi'an World Expo, the Salon Award of the ContemporaryInternational Ink Painting Exhibition, theInternational Gold Award of the 35th New YorkInternational Art Fair, the title of“Ambassador ofchina-us cultural exchanges”, the“Ambassador ofchina-india cultural and artistic exchanges,” and theambassador of china-russia cultural and artisticexchanges.
Mr. Mao Xuefeng was invited to give lectures andacademic reports in many universities at home andabroad. In 2008, he was invited to give a lecture onthe theme of“Innovation is the ladder to climb” atthe Centennial Lecture Hall of Peking University. In2013, he held a solo exhibition at the invitation ofMarietta University and gave a lecture entitled“Reading America” and“The kiss of Chinese ink andwestern color” to teachers and students. In 2014, hewas invited by Lanzhou University on November 10, “Theestablishment and development of heavy color landscapepainting”, “My artistic life” speech. In 2016, hewas invited to give a lecture on“A long journey alongthe Silk Road” at Shalda University in New Delhi, India.Mao Xuefeng has been the academic host of Chineseinnovative artist nomination for many times. In June,the 2023 was invited to speak at the Beijing ForestryUniversity School of art and design on “Art is life”.
He has served as the first president of XinjiangAutonomous Region Painting and Calligraphy Institute,Executive Vice President and secretary-general ofXinjiang Silk Road painting and Calligraphy Institute,and vice director of the National ContemporaryLandscape Painting Exhibition Organizing Committee.Now he is a member of China Democratic progress and anational first-class artist. President of the ChinaWestern Painting Academy, President of the China HeavyColor Landscape Painting Academy, Executive Directorof the Minjin Central Kaiming Painting Academy andHonorary President of the Xinjiang Minjin KaimingPainting Academy, Vice President of the American ChinaArtists Association, Vice President of the Federationof World Artists of Canada, President of the BeijingGreat Beauty Painting and Calligraphy Academy,director of Beijing Mao Xuefeng Art Museum, Presidentof Beijing Xiongfeng Academy of Science, Technology andculture, vice president of China Shiqi Art ResearchAssociation, Honorary President of China ConfuciusPainting and Calligraphy Academy. Lanzhou University,Yangzhou University, Visiting Professor of BeijingForestry University, master tutor, visiting orpart-time professors at the Japan Academy of Art, theChinese Hong Kong Academy of Art, the CHARDA Universityin New Delhi, Dingxi Teachers College, etc. , theShihezi University is the vice-president andresearcher of the Xinjiang Dashanshui PaintingResearch Institute, the Nationalities of China of theArt Promotion Association of the Ministry of Culture,and the academic host of the nomination of Chineseinnovative artists, honorary President of ChineseLandscape Painting Association.
Chinese art annals, a dictionary of Chineseartists' names, a Encyclopedia of China Book ofXinjiang, the Annals of Lintao County, and the worldfamous list of American artists.“Fine arts”,“Jiangsupictorial”, “Chinese painting”, “Art observation”, “Calligraphy and painting”, “Artist's letters”, “Chinese pictorial”, “Fine arts”, “People's daily”, “Guangming Daily”, Xinhua news agency, “Europeantimes”, “China Macao daily”, “Chinese pictorial”, “Chinese art”,“Chinese culture”,“Chinese painter”,CCTV and other media have special reports on hisartistic achievements. His works have been collectedby more than 30 museums and art museums, including theQi Baishi Museum of Art, the Shanghai Museum Museum,the China Hong Kong Art Center, the Dunhuang Museum,the Tokyo Art Museum of Japan, New York University, theTaiwan Sea Foundation of China, the Leibin Academy ofFine Arts of Russia, the CHARDA University of India,the Louvre Museum of France, and the Marier UniversityMuseum of the United States. Mao Xuefeng calligraphyand painting, Mao Xuefeng painting, Mao Xuefengcalligraphy, Mao Xuefeng re-color landscape paintingand Mao Xuefeng art criticism are published by the statecultural relics publishing house.
Since modern times, Chinese traditional paintinghas undergone a tremendous transformation, whether itis artistic concept, creative perspective, compositionstyle, or brush and ink techniques, the use of color,subject matter development, and many other aspects canbe seen that the Chinese artists made an extension andexpansion. Especially in the field of Chinese landscapepainting, since Li Keran's slogan of “Write a biographyof the motherland”, the creation of landscape paintingis no longer stuck to the literati painting system sincethe Ming and Qing dynasties, from then on, the desert,the Gobi, the beach, the grassland and so on, which wereregarded as non-pictorial subjects in traditionalChinese painting, gradually entered the category ofChinese painting. Through this great process ofbreaking through convention and exploring nature, notonly has the style and appearance of Chinese landscapepainting been enriched, and let the traditional ink,color, composition and other techniques have beenunprecedented upgrading and transformation.
As the founder of heavy-color landscape paintingin Xinjiang and president of China's Western PaintingAcademy, Mao Xuefeng has been stationed in Xinjiang formore than 20 years, from heavy-color landscape paintingto desert Populus euphratica, all of them reflect hisdeep love and deep feelings for the Xinjiang region.In the past two years, with his artistic foundationbecoming more and more perfect, he began to make a boldattempt at the unprecedented grassland landscape theme,and after a long period of life-drawing practice andconcept research, he has visited Inner Mongolia, Gannan,Hexi Corridor and Qinghai grasslands, as well as India,Russia, the United States, Dubai and other countries,he also became the first person in the field ofgrassland landscape painting in China.