2024 年法国巴黎奥运展中国艺术代表——刘孟学
2024 巴黎奥运将吸引全球 40 亿双目光成为全球重大传播中心,盛大开幕式将吸引世界各国政要、体育明星、商界大鳄、各国媒体等,齐聚巴黎。2024 法国巴黎这个艺术与体育交融成辉的国际艺术之都将吸引全球的亿万目光,它也将成为 全球的焦点,更将成为世界艺术关注的中心。
Paris 2024 Olympic Games will attract 4 billion pairs of global attentionto become a major global communication center, the grand openingceremony will attract world politicians, sports stars, business tycoons, national media and so on, gathered in Paris. 2024 Paris, France, theinternational art capital of art and sports, will attract hundreds ofmillions of eyes around the world, it will also become the focus of theworld, and it will become the center of world art attention.
全球范围内征选 100 名书画名家将其相关资料及作品,邀请相关人员组成评选小组进行审定,最后审定出 33 名赴法参展人员。
Worldwide collection of 100 famous painting and calligraphy will be itsrelevant information and works, inviting relevant personnel to form aselection panel for approval.In the end, 33 participants were selected. As follows(如下);
刘孟学,笔名河山,1955 年生于陕西渭南,1982 年大学毕业,哲学学士,1989 年毕业于中国文化书院“中外比较文化研究班”,曾服役于空军部队院校。现为中国书画家联谊会会员、中国楹联学会会员、中国硬笔书法协会会员、陕西省书法家协会会员,中央电视台CCTV《艺术名家》栏目特聘客座教授,中国教育电视台“水墨丹青”、“名家讲堂”签约艺术家。喜爱书法,以古为师,系统研习欧阳询、颜真卿、柳公权、王羲之、张旭、怀素等中国古代书法名帖,对现代书法特别是毛泽东书法情有独钟,临池不辍。崇尚“文以载道,书以载文,道无文不远,文无书不采”的古训,追求书法的“真善美、精气神、筋骨肉”的内在统一践行“古为今用,洋为中用”,辩证取舍,推陈出新,“以古人之规矩开自己之生面”的创作理念。2012 年 8月首次在西安亮宝楼成功举办“军旅风采一一戎装九贤”书画联展,之后多次在西安及北京等地成功举办书画联展。书法作品在全国中文核心期刊全军核心期刊《政工导刊》、《重庆与世界》、《中国文化进万家会报》、《企业家日报》《中国书画家报》、《民族画家报》等杂志报刊公开发表,参赛作品多次荣获全国、国际华人华侨书画联赛银奖、金奖、特等奖:被中华全国总工会、外交部、总参等书画协会研究会授予“中华爱国艺术家”“中华骄傲人民艺术家”、“当代国礼艺术家”、“国际书画名人”等荣誉称号。获 2015 年全国诗书画精英人物;2016 年中国好品牌艺术人物榜品牌影响力书法家;2017年中国好品牌影响力十大创新书法家,“共和国红色传承功勋人物《十大人物》”,出版发行“喜迎十九大一一当代中国艺术大家、大作”邮票纪念册;2018 年收入文化进万家成成精品日历,被授予“中国实力派书画名家”,出版发行“庆祝改革开放 40 周年一一启航新时代大型文献类珍藏邮册”,被授予“中国当代书法艺术领军人物”,全国两会重点推荐“人民艺术家”;2019 年荣“致敬中华 70 载艺术成就人物”,被中国文化报道和中国新媒体组委会评选为“人民功勋艺术家”;2020 年被国家权威网络媒体推荐为“最受人民喜爱的艺术家”;2021 年被推荐为“全国高层次艺术人才”、“新时代德艺双馨代表人物”;2022 年被“美丽中国行一共圆中国梦”推荐为“中国最美符号”书画人物,中国文化艺术国际传播大使;2023 年入选《大家风范》、《翰墨华章百年西泠》历代艺坛巨匠精品集,被 CCTV 推选为“一带一路重点推荐艺术家”,被国宾礼艺术鉴定中心推荐为中国“国礼特邀顾问”。
Liu Mengxue, pen name Heshan, was born in Weinan, Shaanxi in1955. He graduated from university in 1982 with a Bachelor's degree inPhilosophy. In 1989, he graduated from the "Comparative CulturalResearch Class of China and Foreign Countries" at the Chinese CultureAcademy and served in the Air Force Academy. I am currently a memberof the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, the ChineseCouplets Society, the Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, and theShaanxi Calligraphers Association. I am also a special guest professor onCCTV's "Art Masters" program and a contracted artist for ChinaEducation Television's "Ink Painting and Paintings" and "Masters LectureHall" programs. I love calligraphy and take the past as my teacher. I havesystematically studied famous ancient Chinese calligraphy works such asOuyang Xun, Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan, Wang Xizhi, Zhang Xu, andHuai Su. I have a special fondness for modern calligraphy, especially MaoZedong's calligraphy, and have never stopped practicing it. Adhering tothe ancient motto of "literature carries the message, books carry themessage, the path is not far without literature, and literature is notaccepted without books", pursuing the internal unity of calligraphy's "truth, goodness, beauty, spirit, and flesh and blood", practicing thecreative concept of "using the past for the present and the foreign forthe Chinese", dialectical selection, innovation, and "opening one's ownunique style with the rules of the ancients".In August 2012, the "MilitaryStyle - Nine Sages in Military Dress" calligraphy and painting exhibitionwas successfully held for the first time at Liangbao Tower in Xi'an. Sincethen, calligraphy and painting exhibitions have been successfully held inXi'an, Beijing and other places. Calligraphy works have been publiclypublished in national Chinese core journals such as the Military CoreJournal "Political Work Guide", "Chongqing and the World", "ChineseCulture Enters the Ten Thousand Household Society", "EntrepreneurDaily", "Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Daily", "National PaintersDaily", and other magazines and newspapers. The entries have won silver, gold, and special awards in national and international Chinese calligraphyand painting leagues multiple times, and have been awarded honorarytitles such as "Chinese Patriotic Artist", "Proud People's Artist of China", "Contemporary National Gift Artist", "International Calligraphy andPainting Celebrity" by research associations of calligraphy and paintingassociations such as the All China Federation of Trade Unions, Ministry ofForeign Affairs, and General Staff Department. Received the title ofNational Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Elite Figure in 2015; BrandInfluence Calligraphers on the 2016 China Good Brand Art Figures List;Top 10 Innovative Calligraphers with Great Brand Influence in China in2017, "Top 10 Meritorious Figures in the Red Inheritance of theRepublic", and the publication and distribution of the "Celebrating the19th National Congress - Contemporary Chinese Art Masters andMasterpieces" stamp commemorative booklet; In 2018, the culturalincome reached thousands of households and became a high-qualitycalendar. It was awarded the title of "China's Powerful Calligraphers andPainters", published and distributed the "Celebrating the 40thAnniversary of Reform and Opening Up - Setting Sail in the New EraLarge scale Documentary Collection Stamp Album", was awarded thetitle of "Leading Figure in Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy Art", andwas recommended as a "People's Artist" by the National People'sCongress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; In2019, he was honored as a "People's Meritorious Artist" by the ChinaCulture Report and the China New Media Organizing Committee, andwas selected as one of the "70 Years of Artistic Achievements in China";In 2020, recommended by national authoritative online media as the"most beloved artist by the people"; In 2021, he was recommended as a"National High level Art Talent" and a "Representative Figure of Moraland Artistic Harmony in the New Era"; In 2022, recommended as the"Most Beautiful Symbol of China" calligraphy and painting figure by the"Beautiful China Tour Together, Fulfilling the Chinese Dream", andappointed as the international ambassador for Chinese culture and artcommunication; In 2023, he was selected into the Collection of GreatArtists and Hundred Years of Hanmo Huazhang Xiling, a masterpiece ofgreat artists in the past dynasties, and was elected as the "KeyRecommended Artist along the the Belt and Road" by CCTV, and the"Specially Invited Consultant of National Rites" by the National Binli ArtAppraisal Center.
央视著名评论家 史峰
央视著名评论家 史峰